Archive for the ‘bravery’ Category

Screw your courage to a job board.

Raise courageous children; take vacations without them.

The soul that’s smart brooks no tart heart.

Cowards cheat; the brave compete.

Bravery lashes down the watery hatches, sets the slashing sails and takes the spinning wheel when no one comes on deck to help.

The very brave fear greatly, then they charge.

For the courageous it will suffice, step to the plate and miss it thrice.

All suffer; the courageous simply weep in a corner more quietly.

Cowards and valiants die many times before their deaths; valiants just break out of their graves and flush their sorry corpses out into the open again faster.

The brave let the irresponsible solve their own problems.

Death’s not a flattened end to fear; it’s a high vaulting premier.